Dr hab. Sebastian Kwiecień, PhD, Associate Professor


nr ORCID: 0000-0003-4858-794X


Academic Curriculum Vitae:


Dr hab. Sebastian Kwiecień obtained a Ph.D. in Law in 2007 at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law, and Administration of the Catholic University of Lublin. His doctoral dissertation “Kompetencje wojewody w okresie międzywojennym w świetle przepisów rozporządzenia Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej z 7 czerwca 1927 roku o prawie przemysłowym” (“Powers of a Governor in the Interwar Period in the Light of the Provisions of the Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland on Industrial Law") was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Jerzy Flaga. The dissertation was published in 2010 in a monograph “Polish Industrial Law 1927-1939”.


After obtaining Ph.D. in Law Dr hab. Kwiecień started his postdoctoral research, during which he submitted the monograph “Polskie prawo gospodarcze okresu międzywojennego”, Lublin 2016. In 2017, as a result of the positively conducted postdoctoral procedure, dr. Kwiecień was awarded a post-Ph-D degree in legal sciences. The title was granted by the Council of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law, and Administration.


As part of his activities popularizing science he cooperated with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, where he wrote publications on practical aspects of labor law. He also developed encyclopedic articles for “Leksykon administratywisty”, Radom 2013 and “Encyklopedia prawa administracyjnego”, Warszawa 2010.


In addition to his academic activities, he is engaged in the practice of law as a legal advisor, where he is the author of several dozens of expert opinions and legal advice for public authorities and commercial law companies.


Research Interests:


  • Employee creativity - the right to an employee work
  • Copyright trolling - issues related to the liability of the infringer
  • Practical issues related to starting and carrying out economic activity in Poland in the Interwar period, also in the context of labor law regulations


List of major scientific publications:


Copyright and employee creativity


Practical issues related to starting and carrying out economic activity in Poland in the Interwar period, also in the context of labor law regulations




Learning Activities:


He conducts lectures on the Entrepreneur as an employer, Human Resources Management, The regime of administrative, governmental, and self-governmental authorities in the Second Republic of Poland, and Social Security Law. He teaches a seminar on the Corporate Legal Profession.