We provide help among others in the fields of: creating a bibliographic workshop, searching for citations in the bibliometric and referential databases, using electronic resources, citation styles and bibliography managers; the possibility of reporting the purchase of publication to the collections.

The consultations are conducted online on the Teams platform- a link to the meeting will be sent after arranging a specyfic date, as well as stationary. We can also answer questions by telephone: (81) 45 45 275, e-mail ( or on the chat (



Trainings conducted by empoyees of the Scientific Information Department

The University Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin offers traings on using modern sources of information, both for Employees, and for students of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. In the programme there can be found such issues:

  1. Basic rules of using the University Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin for students (creating an account, searching library catalogue, search strategies, a virtual library card)

  2. Fast and complex searching the Library’s resources:: using the PRIMO multisearch engine; using the online catalogues (parent Library and other domestic and foreign libraries)

  3. Electronic sources of information databases currently available for the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin repositories, e-journals and e-books – remote access to the resources via the HAN system 

  4. Ranked journals search engines of the ranked journals, rankings and scoring of journals, as well as bibliometric indicators (IF, H-index), Journal Citation Reports with the value of indicators of the Impact Factor

  5. Bibliometric databases searching for the publication’s citations on the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases, bibliometric indicators: Hirsch index for journal evaluation, Google Scholar Citations

  6. Bibliography managersrecommended programmes from the group of bibliography managers (review); Zotero bibliography manager – basic functions, registration, downloading, installation; creating and organising your own database; working with an editor – workshops

  7. Seminar trainings in the field of searching information (information heuristics) aimed at seminar groups of all levels of studies (search strategies, searching in bibliographic databases, electronic journals, printed bibliographies, help in creating bibliographic workshop, presentation of library services and resources, possibility of working with electronic documents – downloading articles, books and other ways of effective use of available resources).

You can schedule a training personally (OIN p. 460), by telephone (81) 45 45 275, or e-mail (





We can:

  • search for citations of a given person or journal on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, as well as in the Google scholar

  • check Impact Factor of journals placed on the JCR list, check other bibliometric indicators (e.g. SNIP, SJR)

  • give Hirsch Index of a given researcher

  • conduct comprehensive bibliometric analyses of a researcher’s achievements for the purposes of promotions, grant applications (citations, ministerial scoring)


We prepare reports for individual researchers and faculties of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The service is free.

Attention! The Concerned is required to present the list of publications which are to be covered by the report in order to conduct the analysis.

The service will be executed in 3 working days from taking a statement.

We do not accept commissions for bibliometric analyses from researchers outside the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.


Autor: Paweł Kamiński
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 16.01.2025, godz. 13:38 - Paweł Kamiński